
Front Page Design

Front Page Design began as a rather unconventional experiment in digital design at a time when drawing boards, felt tips and glue were de rigeur in the design and advertising worlds. In 1982 I had managed to get a freelance agreement to act as The Glagow Herald's Winter Sports Correspondent, which then led to my launching Skiing UK Magazine in 1985. 

In spite of it being somewhat of a commercial baptism of fire, only lasting five years, it served as a perfect pilot and trial run for the new design consultancy to come – Front Page Design.

New graphics and print technology in the shape of the Apple Computer was a revolution in the late 80s' and added up to an new horizon of the future of graphic design. I was convinced that the revolution was for me and I set up Front Page Ltd in October 1990. 

Early desktop computing

Early desktop computing


Initially, Front Page attracted a number of ski industry clients, as well as work from Outram Magazines, progressing further to build considerable experience in brochure work for the wider travel industry. 

Besides the new design and print technology, the consultancy was built on strong writing skills and extensive experience in design for print and I was joined by Felicity Johnson and Alan Pyke, who had worked with me on the ski magazine. 

The company always took to the challenge of new technology and turned it to its advantage, expanding into digital and online design which progressed at pace from the first rudimentary website I built in 'Mosaic', one of the first html editing programmes available. 

The key moment for the company was its role in developing, designing and distributing the digitisation of Walt Disney Company's graphic assets for their theme parks and cruise line – photographs, copy and logos of all the hotels, attractions and rides – on to a compact disc entitled 'CDisney'. This more than anything cemented our reputation to our clients as pioneers in digital graphic design. Royal Caribbean Cruise Line liked our work so much they hired Front Page too.

As the company moved into the new milennium, and bought an impressive Georgian townhouse as its headquarters, a growing team of digital designers took web and internet design to ever greater levels of sophistication for the company. 

However, in 2012 the original directors and shareholders, myself, Felicity Johnson and Alan Pyke sold the company's assets and goodwill to the two remaining directors who set up a new company, Front Page 2012 Ltd.. 
